small, round, & white

found in the early morning hours, collected just for that day.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Oneness through the Word!

My DH was reading me some quotes regarding oneness this evening, and I just had to share them!
Whether or not we understand the Bible, as long as we read a little of God’s Word in the morning and consider this Word a little during the day, we are sanctified. -

God’s word brings in God’s reality, and in us it produces a special effect, which is to sanctify us and to deliver us from this mixed world that we may be separated unto God. -

The word of reality sanctifies us and delivers us from the mixed-up world, turning us back to the purity in God. In this way, we are one. -
Quotes taken from:
The Oneness and the One Accord according to the Lord's Aspiration and the Body Life and Service according to His Pleasure
by Witness Lee

"In Thy Word, In Thy Word,
We have oneness through Thy Word.
In Thy Word, In Thy Word,
In Thy Holy Word we're all made one!"

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Subject: God honors genuine prayer

Being a Christian and
The Practical Way to Be Filled with Christ -- Prayer.
"Being a Christian is not a matter of giving up movies or many other things. Being a Christian is simply a matter of being filled with Christ.

How then can we be filled with Christ? To answer this, we must have a further realization. On the one hand, we are empty vessels. On the other hand, we are occupied vessels. If we are full of Christ, that is wonderful. However, if we are occupied by something other than, Christ, we have a great need.

...When we find that this [being filled with things other than Christ] is our case, we simply have to come to Christ and tell Him that we are full of things other than Him. This is not so much a confession as it is simply telling the Lord our case. How we need to go to Christ to tell Him how much we have been filled with other things! Our need, I must repeat, is to simply tell Him how much our mind has been occupied by things other than Him.

...Sincere prayer is prayer in which we go to the Lord and tell Him how much we have been occupied in the past and how much we continue to be occupied at present. We need to tell the Lord the truth. We must tell Him, "Lord, I am still occupied by these things in my mind and by those things in my emotion and will." This is sincere prayer. If we pray in this way, the more we tell the Lord, the more the Lord will occupy our mind, emotion, and will. The more we pray to the Lord in this way, the more He will occupy our entire heart and make our heart a home for Himself." (The Practical Way to Live in the Mingling of God with Man. - Collected Works W. Lee. 1963 Vol. 1. p283-4).
Reminds me of some last lines from a Hymn...

-- Come and telling Jesus all.
-- Still tell Jesus, Tell Him all.
-- Go tell Jesus, Tell Him all.

Recently, I have come to realize that part of being honest with the Lord is being open to the other members (who are Him as the Body) concerning my present situation, as opposed to faking it or hiding it behind my man-made fig leaves. Like with Adam and Eve, the Lord often asks, "where are you?" not to condemn us, but to help us to see, and to give us the opportunity to acknowledge and admit where we are...and let Him in. This genuine opening unloads us and allows the Lord the space to come and occupy us. It's precious to realize that our being real, genuine, and sincere with Him results in such a positive exchange... being filled with Christ.

PS. will paraphrase it next time. :)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I was very encouraged by a quote sent to me by a friend regarding serving...
"You must be aware that the enemy, the subtle one, will beguile you by tempting you to serve the Lord. You may say that you are learning how to serve the Lord, but the Lord does not need you to serve Him. The Lord needs you to love Him. On the seashore of Tiberias, the Lord Jesus asked Peter, "Simon Peter, do you love Me? Do you love Me more than all the others?" (John 21:15). The Christian life is not a matter of work for Him or of serving Him. Forget about all this. Satan, the subtle one, would come in to beguile you by tempting you to serve the Lord. Today in this generation the Lord Jesus does not need a lot of young people to work for Him. He needs many young ones to love Him desperately. If you love Him for just half a day, you will be crazy. Today the Lord Jesus needs many crazy lovers" (from "Crazy Lovers of Jesus" in The Living and Practical Way to Enjoy Christ).
So today I am encouraged not to try and push through another day of "serving" as I so offen do, but rather, turn my heart and let the Lord draw me to love Him more.

Monday, October 23, 2006

I read something on a bathroom stall wall the other day that said:
"A man must learn to love the woman he's attracted to, and a woman must learn to be attracted to the man she loves."

Interesting philosophy, huh?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Miss MleJane is living someone else's life.
Yesterday while talking with a friend I realized that all my childhood til present I denied my own life to live for my parents, to please them and not give them the grief I had previously observed them to suffer. And in most accounts this action cause a kind of death to the life I may have wanted to live forming the self-sacrificing self that has now become who I am today. Yet not only that, but now at present that very self that I once denied has become the very self that I have to deny today.

It's like things have turned inside-out.

Under the law I once lived not barely living, and now under grace I must die once again, not living the life that was built by living according to the law for that life is not Christ, but I. And henceforth it's end must be seen in order that it become: not I, but Christ that lives in me.

Monday, October 16, 2006

"He that findeth a wife findeth a good thing."

It's a proverb. Let the man find you.
When he makes the moves, you just respond.
Not overly, just accordingly.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

I just keep telling Him...
"Lord they say You are the great Shepherd... as such You are always cherishing and nourishing Your sheep. Open my eyes to see that what You are arranging and allowing in my life is actually a Cherishing from You."